Red Griffin Productions was created by Donald Ryan in 1997 and specializes in Renaissance & Medieval themed events. Our actors are trained in audience participation, character interaction, and choreographed stage combat. Donald's vision was to provide authentic characters that would educate as well as entertain the general public. We strive at offering a glimpse into the lives of those who lived long ago through interaction, and education.
Red Griffin has been a presence in the faire circles since its creation, picking and choosing projects that excite its members and allow them to showcase and develop their talents. The main attraction that Red Griffin provides is a human chess match, a life sized chess match with people as the pieces. The Red Griffin chess match provides interesting storylines with choreographed stage combat. From its small beginnings Red Griffin has grown into an eclectic cast characters ranging from courtly ladies to bumbling thieves. We have produced shows over the Midwest from fundraisers and public school visits to more commercial ventures. We provide a very interactive experience with actors trained to work in a fluid improvisational style. These days our primary focus is the Oklahoma Renaissance Faire at the Castle in Muskogee. We pride ourselves for being with this event since its early beginnings and growing with the event. RG, as we call ourselves, provides the Chess Match for this venue as well as 30+ street interactors. |